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how to divide revenue between check_in_date and check_out_date, and turn those dates into single column named date

I have an example of my dataset like this :

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'check_in':['2020-02-27','2020-02-28'],'check_out':['2020-02-29','2020-03-02'],'revenue':[100,66]})

    check_in    check_out   revenue
0   2020-02-27  2020-02-29  100
1   2020-02-28  2020-03-02  66

and I want to turn it into something like this :

    date        revenue
0   2020-02-27  50
1   2020-02-28  72 
2   2020-02-29  22
2   2020-03-01  22

The check_out date is not included in the range; so the first period is 2 days (27 and 28) with 50 revenue each.



Another method to solve this is first get difference between the out and in dates and then add the difference as Timedelta, . Then use the len of the range to divide the revenue to split and then groupby with sum


a = df['check_out'].sub(df['check_in']).dt.days
b = #range automatically excludes the last entry
c = df['check_in'].add(pd.to_timedelta(b.explode(),unit='days'))

out = (c.to_frame('date').assign(revenue=df['revenue'].div(a))


        date  revenue
0 2020-02-27     50.0
1 2020-02-28     72.0
2 2020-02-29     22.0
3 2020-03-01     22.0

Considering your actual columns are datetime (if not you can convert then using below)

df[['check_in','check_out']] = df[['check_in','check_out']].apply(pd.to_datetime)
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