I’m using a generic local crud so i can implement the same method for every single list, but when trying to add a value to a list it doesn’t update the root list but the parameter one does, any help?
def crud(name, lista): print('----------------------------') print(name.capitalize()) print('----------------------------') print('t[1] . Ingresar') print('t[2] . Consultar') print('t[3] . Eliminar') print('t[4] . Actualizar') print('t[5] . Listar') opcion = int(input('OPCIÓN >>> ')) if opcion == 1: lista.append(input('Ingrese nombre del '+str(name[:-2])+': ')) if opcion == 2: node_id = int(input('Ingrese id del '+str(name[:-2])+' a consultar: ')) elif opcion == 5: i = 0 while i <= len(lista)-1: print('t['+str(i)+'] . '+str(lista[i])) i += 1 while True: print('----------------------------') print('ALMACÉN MARKET-CICLE') print('PROGRAMA PRINCIPAL') print('----------------------------') print('t[1] . Vendedores') print('t[2] . Productos') print('t[3] . Clientes') print('t[4] . Ventas') print('t[5] . SALIR') opcion = int(input('OPCIÓN >>> ')) lista_vendedores = [] lista_productos = [] lista_clientes = [] if opcion == 1: crud('vendedores', lista_vendedores) if opcion == 2: crud('productos', lista_productos) if opcion == 3: crud('clientes', lista_clientes) elif opcion == 5: break
If i print the parameter “lista” when appends the new value it returns the list with the new value, but when i enter the list option, the list shows empty.
You create a new empty list on every iteration of while True:
def func(items): items.append(1) print(items) while True: foobar = [] func(foobar)
will always give [1]
, not [1]
, [1,1]
, ….
Don’t run the above, it will just busy loop until it explodes.
To solve your issue, you need to declare the list once, outside your interactive loop.