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Collapse multiindex after pivot() in pandas pipe

Comming from R/dplyr, I’m used to the piping concept to chain transformation steps during data analysis and have taken this to pandas in a sometimes similar, sometimes better but also sometimes worse fashion (see this article for reference). This is an example of a worse situation.

I’m conducting an analysis of some objects and want to understand the behavior by some grouping variable and for steps further dwon the line (which are not relevant here), I have to have the calculated metrics per grouping in seperate columns. Hence, I’m chaining agg() with pivot() and end up with a multiindex, which I’d like to collapse or flatten.

What I do:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

test_df = pd.DataFrame({
    "object" : [1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2],
    "grouping" : ["A", "B", "A", "A","A", "B", "B", "A", "B", "B"],
    "attribute" : [38, 36, 36, 26, 29, 23, 38, 15, 27, 30]

res = (
        # calculate the metris
        .groupby(["object", "grouping"])
            metric1 = ("attribute", "count"),
            metric2 = ("attribute", "sum"),
            metric3 = ("attribute", "mean") 
        # rearrange values by columns
            index = "object",
            columns = "grouping",
            values = ["metric1", "metric2", "metric3"]
        # more steps to come that would be way simpler with collapsed index

Resulting in:

         metric1      metric2           metric3           
grouping       A    B       A      B          A          B
1            3.0  NaN   103.0    NaN  34.333333        NaN
2            1.0  3.0    15.0  104.0  15.000000  34.666667
3            1.0  2.0    26.0   50.0  26.000000  25.000000

Expected Ouput as result of a chaining / piping step:

object  metric1_A  metric1_B  metric2_A  metric2_B  metric3_A  metric3_B                                                    
1             3.0        NaN      103.0        NaN  34.333333        NaN
2             1.0        3.0       15.0      104.0  15.000000  34.666667
3             1.0        2.0       26.0       50.0  26.000000  25.000000

There are stackoverflow-answers that would allow me to collapse the multiindex by breaking the pipe, such as this or this, but I’d like to sustain the pipe since the whole piping process supports the thought-process of data analysis so well.




We can flatten the columns without breaking the method chaining by using pipe method and passing in a lambda function that uses set_axis along with to flatten the columns:

You can chain the below pipe call after your pivot method

.pipe(lambda s: s.set_axis('_'.join), axis=1))

        metric1_A  metric1_B  metric2_A  metric2_B  metric3_A  metric3_B
1             3.0        NaN      103.0        NaN  34.333333        NaN
2             1.0        3.0       15.0      104.0  15.000000  34.666667
3             1.0        2.0       26.0       50.0  26.000000  25.000000
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