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Need help converting column timestamp data into 2 seperate columns (Date,Time)

Fairly new to programming and python in general. Learning as I go. Breaking thing, ALOT, but learning ALOT.

What I want to do, which I have not been able to figure out is create a CSV with certain columns. Currently, one of the columns, after I organize the data, is a date-timestamp, which I need to be separated into 2 columns one for date(yyyy/mm/dd) and one for time (HH:MM:SS 24-hour time). The code looks like this:

activities = api.get_activities(

df = pd.DataFrame([activity._raw for activity in activities])
print('created dataframe')

id = df["id"]
activity_type = df["activity_type"]
transaction_time = df["transaction_time"]
type = df["type"]
price = df["price"]
qty = df["qty"]
side = df["side"]
symbol = df["symbol"]
leaves_qty = df["leaves_qty"]
order_id = df["order_id"]
cum_qty = df["cum_qty"]

df[['date', 'time']] = df.transaction_time.str.strip('Z').str.split('T', expand=True)

header = ["date","time","symbol","qty","price","side"]

df.to_csv('daily_journal_export.csv', columns = header, index = False)

When exported I get something that looks like this:


The transaction_time looks like this that needs to be separated and converted:

  • Date column: (yyyy/mm/dd)
  • Time column: (HH:MM:SS 24-hour time)


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



You can use str.split() on the timestamps with the expand param (2a below), or use and .dt.time (2b below).

  1. Load the sample data:
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv('daily_journal_export.csv')

    transaction_time                symbol  qty     price   side
0   2021-03-09T15:03:06.0925Z       XNET    5059    6.21    buy
1   2021-03-09T15:03:06.888595Z     XNET    718     6.21    buy
2   2021-03-09T15:03:09.474924Z     CLNE    3661    11.65   buy
3   2021-03-09T15:05:13.957144Z     SOL     1728    12.68   buy
4   2021-03-09T15:57:53.094945Z     SOL     753     13.33   sell
5   2021-03-09T15:57:53.118822Z     XNET    5777    6.09    sell
6   2021-03-09T15:57:53.220454Z     CLNE    3661    11.78   sell
7   2021-03-09T15:57:53.613874Z     SOL     975     13.33   sell

2a. Strip the decimals, split by T, and expand to separate columns:

>>> df[['date', 'time']] = df.transaction_time.str.replace(r'..*', '').str.split('T', expand=True)
>>> df = df.drop('transaction_time', axis=1)

    symbol  qty     price   side    date        time
0   XNET    5059    6.21    buy     2021-03-09  15:03:06
1   XNET    718     6.21    buy     2021-03-09  15:03:06
2   CLNE    3661    11.65   buy     2021-03-09  15:03:09
3   SOL     1728    12.68   buy     2021-03-09  15:05:13
4   SOL     753     13.33   sell    2021-03-09  15:57:53
5   XNET    5777    6.09    sell    2021-03-09  15:57:53
6   CLNE    3661    11.78   sell    2021-03-09  15:57:53
7   SOL     975     13.33   sell    2021-03-09  15:57:53

2b. Alternatively, you can use and .dt.time instead of 2a’s string splitting method:

>>> df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df.transaction_time)
>>> df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.transaction_time.str.replace(r'..*', '')).dt.time
>>> df = df.drop('transaction_time', axis=1)

    symbol  qty     price   side    date        time
0   XNET    5059    6.21    buy     2021-03-09  15:03:06
1   XNET    718     6.21    buy     2021-03-09  15:03:06
2   CLNE    3661    11.65   buy     2021-03-09  15:03:09
3   SOL     1728    12.68   buy     2021-03-09  15:05:13
4   SOL     753     13.33   sell    2021-03-09  15:57:53
5   XNET    5777    6.09    sell    2021-03-09  15:57:53
6   CLNE    3661    11.78   sell    2021-03-09  15:57:53
7   SOL     975     13.33   sell    2021-03-09  15:57:53
  1. If you want to move date and time back to the front:
>>> columns = df.columns.to_list()[-2:] + df.columns.to_list()[:-2]
>>> df = df[columns]

    date        time        symbol  qty     price   side
0   2021-03-09  15:03:06    XNET    5059    6.21    buy
1   2021-03-09  15:03:06    XNET    718     6.21    buy
2   2021-03-09  15:03:09    CLNE    3661    11.65   buy
3   2021-03-09  15:05:13    SOL     1728    12.68   buy
4   2021-03-09  15:57:53    SOL     753     13.33   sell
5   2021-03-09  15:57:53    XNET    5777    6.09    sell
6   2021-03-09  15:57:53    CLNE    3661    11.78   sell
7   2021-03-09  15:57:53    SOL     975     13.33   sell
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