I am running the below docker command :
docker run -d -v /Users/gowthamkrishnaaddluri/Documents/dfki_sse/demo:/quantum-demo/ -it demo python3 /quantum-demo/circuit.py --res './'
I am trying to run the above command in python and I have the code as follows:
container = client.create_container(
command="python3 /quantum-demo/circuit.py --res='./'",
volumes=['/Users/gowthamkrishnaaddluri/Documents/dfki_sse/demo', '/quantum-demo/'],
I am not able to see the files which get generated when the python file(circuit.py) is run. The files get generated when I just run the docker command , when I use the container api the file is not seen in the directory. Am I doing something wrong on using the volumes in the client create container? Thanks!
How can I rectify the above problem so that I can map the volume properly? Or please let me know how can I use docker volumes so that the file generated in the docker folder can be copied to the local directory( such as saved neural network model after training)
Hi 👋🏻 Hope you are doing well!
So instead of the list
, you should use dict
and also you should use another method. An example is below:
import docker client = docker.from_env() client.containers.run( image="python", auto_remove=True, detach=True, tty=False, stdin_open=True, volumes={ # path on your machine/host "/Users/volodymyr/Development/sandbox/stackoverflow/file.py": { "bind": "/mnt/file.py", # path inside the container "mode": "rw", } }, command=["python", "/mnt/file.py", "-w", "world!"], )
# file.py import argparse if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-w", "--word") args = parser.parse_args() print(f"Hello {args.word!s}.")
I tested this code on my machine and it works. (docker
sdk version is 6.0.1)
Docs: https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/containers.html