I started 100 days of code and this project is a silent auction (day 9). You take a user’s name and bid price, store it in a dictionary, and then clear it (prompting to see if there are other users). The whole point is to collect the keys/values (that are unknown) and sort them so that it prints the highest value (bidder).
Since I don’t know what the keys or values in the dictionary would be I wanted to sort the dictionary after the “No” prompt. Then I decided to convert the dictionary to a list so I can access the keys and values separately. The reason I needed to do this was because in the print statement I print the name (key) and bid price (value) in different parts of the sentence.
Example inputs:
{'alan': '115', 'jay': '125', 'alex': '155'} ['alan', 'jay', 'alex'] ['115', '125', '155']
Output: The winner is alex with a bid of $155.
I run into an error though when the user enters $5 as an input:
{'john': '105', 'alex': '115', 'jae': '5'} ['john', 'alex', 'jae'] ['105', '115', '5']
The winner is jae with a bid of $5.
Also another error “Local variable referenced before assignment” in regard to key_list and key_value. The solution I read was to write global at the beginning of the function.
from replit import clear from operator import itemgetter #HINT: You can call clear() to clear the output in the console. from art import logo print(logo) bid_dictionary = {} def main(): global key_list global value_list name = input("What is your name? ") bid_price = input("What is your bid price? ") bid_dictionary[name] = bid_price other_users = input("Are there other users who want to bid? Enter Yes or No. ").lower() if other_users == "yes": clear() main() elif other_users == "no": clear() list_sorted = dict(sorted(bid_dictionary.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])) key_list = list(list_sorted.keys()) value_list = list(list_sorted.values()) print(list_sorted, key_list, value_list) print(f"The winner is {key_list[-1]} with a bid of ${value_list[-1]}.") main()
list_sorted = dict(sorted(bid_dictionary.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]))
you are sorting prices as strings here (item[1]
is a string). “5” comes last in terms of dictionary order (how strings are compared).
you’ll need to convert the price into integers before comparing
try this:
list_sorted = dict(sorted(bid_dictionary.items(), key=lambda item: int(item[1])))