I’m making a tkinter app with a background image and three labels.
The problem that I have is that these labels have a white background and I don’t want that. I want to make like a “png” label, with no background.
First, I tried to put this line of code:
raiz.wm_attributes('-transparentcolor' , raiz["bg"])
But it didn’t work, literally, the label was a hole.
Then I searched for a solution, and I saw that the best way to make labels with no background is using canvas, but there were more bugs, however, I think that’s the solution, but I don’t know how to do it.
This is my code:
from tkinter import * import winsound from winsound import * from tkinter import messagebox import time #creamos la ventana raiz=Tk() raiz.wm_attributes('-transparentcolor', raiz['bg']) raiz.title("Game") raiz.geometry("900x550") raiz.resizable(0,0) raiz.iconbitmap('descarga.ico') #winsound.PlaySound('C:\Users\user\Downloads\pygame\MY\sound.wav', winsound.SND_ALIAS | winsound.SND_ASYNC) #----------------------aa def ventanas(frame): frame.tkrise() def jugar(): messagebox.showinfo("Próximamente...", "Esta opción estará disponible próximamente...") def quitar(): if messagebox.askokcancel("Saliendo...", "¿Estas seguro de que quieres salir?"): raiz.destroy() def clickDerecho(event): jugar() def clickDerecho2(event): quitar() #frames-------------------------------------------------------------------- frameJugar = Frame() fondo = PhotoImage(file= r'background.png') background_label = Label(raiz, image=fondo) background_label.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1) texto = Label(raiz, text="JUGAR" ,bd=0, font=("COMIC SANS MS", 30, "italic"), fg="#00deff", cursor="hand2") texto.bind("<Button-1>", clickDerecho) texto.place(x=100, y=196) texto2 = Label(raiz, text="TUTORIAL" ,bd=0, font=("COMIC SANS MS", 30, "italic"), fg="#00deff", cursor="hand2") texto2.bind("<Button-1>", clickDerecho) texto2.place(x=100, y=306) texto3 = Label(raiz, text="SALIR" ,bd=0, font=("COMIC SANS MS", 30, "italic"), fg="#00deff", cursor="hand2") texto3.bind("<Button-1>", clickDerecho2) texto3.place(x=100, y=416) #-----------------------------------------------------------------ejecutamos la ventana raiz.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", quitar) raiz.mainloop()
EDIT: Now I’m testing with some code, like this:
from tkinter import * import winsound from winsound import * from tkinter import messagebox import time #window-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- raiz=Tk() raiz.title("Game") raiz.geometry("900x550") raiz.resizable(0,0) raiz.iconbitmap(r"C:UsersuserDesktopGamedescarga.ico") #winsound.PlaySound('C:\Users\user\Downloads\pygame\MY\sound.wav', winsound.SND_ALIAS | winsound.SND_ASYNC) fondo = PhotoImage(file= r'C:UsersuserDesktopMyadoriginsbackground.png') bg = Label(raiz, image=fondo) bg.place(x=0, y=0) x = 40 # Horizontal position in pixels. y = 100 # Vertical position in pixels. dx = 80 # Horizontal size in pixels. dy = 30 #functions--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def subimage(src, left, top, right, bottom): dst = PhotoImage() dst.tk.call(dst, 'copy', src, '-from', left, top, right, bottom, '-to', 0, 0) return dst #images-------------------------------------------------------------------- label_bg = subimage(fondo, x-2, y-2, x+dx, y+dy) info = Label(raiz, text='Beer', bd=0, height=dy-1, width=dx-1, image=label_bg, compound='center') info.place(x=x, y=y) # Use place() to stack on top of bg image. #-----------------------------------------------------------------ejecutamos la ventana raiz.mainloop()
This could be improved upon, but here’s an illustration of a general idea: Cut out smaller images from the background image and use them as background in the labels.
import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() # Create bg image and place it on root window. bgi = tk.PhotoImage(file='pilner.png') bg = tk.Label(root, image=bgi) bg.place(x=0, y=0) # Adjust window to fit background image root.geometry('{}x{}+0+0'.format(bgi.width(), bgi.height())) # Image dimensions for label. Set these to contain the text size. x = 40 # Horizontal position in pixels. y = 300 # Vertical position in pixels. dx = 200 # Horizontal size in pixels. dy = 50 # Vertical size in pixels. # Function to copy a subimage from bg image at coordinates. # Can't remember where I got this snippet. Pillow should work also. def subimage(src, left, top, right, bottom): dst = tk.PhotoImage() dst.tk.call(dst, 'copy', src, '-from', left, top, right, bottom, '-to', 0, 0) return dst # Create label bg image from root window bg image. label_bg = subimage(bgi, x-2, y-2, x+dx, y+dy) # For some reason there is a border around the label if I don't # set height and width. info = tk.Label(root, text='Beer', bd=0, height=dy-1, width=dx-1, fg='white', font=(None, 50), image=label_bg, compound='center') info.place(x=x, y=y) # Use place() to stack on top of bg image. root.mainloop()
Live Demo: repl.it