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Need help to make while loop restart my Python program from top

I would like to get help with this program I have made. The function of the code is so the users can input a city anywhere in the world and they will then get data about the weather for that city.

I want it to restart the program from the top, but it only restarts the program from where the results are.

# - Weather Program -

import datetime
import requests
import sys

name_of_user = input("What is your name?: ")
city = input('City Name: ')

url = api_address + city
json_data = requests.get(url).json()

format_add = json_data['main']['temp']
day_of_month = str("%d "))
month ="%b ")
year = str("%Y "))
time = str("%H:%M:%S"))
degrees = format_add - 273.15
humidity = json_data['main']['humidity']
latitude = json_data['coord']['lon']
longitude = json_data['coord']['lat']

while True:

    if degrees < 20 and time > str(12.00):
        print("nGood afternoon " + name_of_user + ".")
        print("nThe date today is: " +
              day_of_month +
              month +
        print("The current time is: " + time)
        print("The humidity is: " + str(humidity) + '%')
        print("Latitude and longitude for " + city + " is: " + str(latitude), str(longitude))
        print("The temperature is a mild " + "{:.1f}".format(degrees) +
              "°C, you might need a jacket.")

    elif degrees < 20 and time < str(12.00):
        print("nGood morning " + name_of_user + ".")
        print("nThe date today is: " +
              day_of_month +
              month +
        print("The current time is: " + time)
        print("The humidity is: " + str(humidity) + '%')
        print("Latitude and longitude for " + city + " is: " + str(latitude), str(longitude))
        print("The temperature is a mild " + "{:.1f}".format(degrees) +
              "°C, you might need a jacket.")

    elif degrees >= 20 and time > str(12.00):
        print("nGood afternoon " + name_of_user + ".")
        print("nThe date today is: " +
              day_of_month +
              month +
        print("The current time is: " + time)
        print("The humidity is: " + str(humidity) + '%')
        print("Latitude and longitude for " + city + " is: " + str(latitude), str(longitude))
        print("The temperature is a warm " + "{:.1f}".format(degrees) +
              "°C, don't forget to drink water.")

    elif degrees >= 20 and time < str(12.00):
        print("nGood morning " + name_of_user + ".")
        print("nThe date today is: " +
              day_of_month +
              month +
        print("The current time is: " + time)
        print("The humidity is: " + str(humidity) + '%')
        print("Latitude and longitude for " + city + " is: " + str(latitude), str(longitude))
        print("The temperature is a warm " + "{:.1f}".format(degrees) +
              "°C, don't forget to drink water.")

    restart = input('Would you like to check another city (y/n)?: ')
    if restart == 'y':

So this is what happens.. The loop only loops the question with the input and data already filled in.

What is your name?: Test
City Name: Oslo

Good afternoon Test.

The date today is: 01 May 2019 
The current time is: 20:23:36
The humidity is: 76%
Latitude and longitude for Oslo is: 10.74 59.91
The temperature is a mild 12.7°C, you might need a jacket.
Would you like to check another city (y/n)?: y

Good afternoon Test.

The date today is: 01 May 2019 
The current time is: 20:23:36
The humidity is: 76%
Latitude and longitude for Oslo is: 10.74 59.91
The temperature is a mild 12.7°C, you might need a jacket.
Would you like to check another city (y/n)?: n

Process finished with exit code 0

I want the code to loop from the top so I can press y so the program will ask me for another city to input.



You are never updating your values. Let’s take a simpler example:

x = int(input("What is the number you choose? "))

while True:
    if x >3:

If I run this, I will get x printed out forever if I choose, say 5. The code defining x will never be re-run because it’s outside of the loop. To fix this, I can move my code for x into the while loop:

while True:
    x = int(input("What number do you choose? "))
    if x>3:

This will run the code for x every time the loop executes, so x can now change. Applying this to your code:

# loop is now up near the top
while True:
    # You want these values to change on each iteration of the while
    # loop, so they must be contained within the loop
    name_of_user = input("What is your name?: ")
    city = input('City Name: ')
    url = api_address + city
    json_data = requests.get(url).json()
    format_add = json_data['main']['temp']
    day_of_month = str("%d "))
    month ="%b ")
    year = str("%Y "))
    time = str("%H:%M:%S"))
    degrees = format_add - 273.15
    humidity = json_data['main']['humidity']
    latitude = json_data['coord']['lon']
    longitude = json_data['coord']['lat']

    if degrees... # rest of your statements

Now the value for City can change, and you can apply that to the other data structures as well

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