When I run this code it gives a module not found error for line 2 but it is installed
on my computer. I know that because when i type pip list
in the command prompt it is in the list
from tkinter import * from tkvideoplayer import TkinterVideo from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfile window = Tk() window.title("My Video Player") window.geometry("500x500") window.config(bg="Turquoise") heading = Label(window, text="My Video Player", bg="Orange Red", fg="white", font="4 none bold") heading.config(anchor=CENTER) def openFile(): file = askopenfile(mode="r", filetypes=[('Video Files', '*.mp4', '*.mov')]) if file is not None: global filename filename = file.name global videoPlayer videoPlayer = TkinterVideo(master=window, scaled=True, pre_load=False) videoPlayer.load(r"{}".format(filename)) videoPlayer.pack(expand=True, fill="both") videoPlayer.play() def playFile(): videoPlayer.play() def stopFile(): videoPlayer.stop() def pauseFile(): videoPlayer.pause() openbtn = Button(window, text="Open", command=lambda: openFile()) stopbtn = Button(window, text="Stop", command=lambda: stopFile()) playbtn = Button(window, text="Play", command=lambda: playFile()) pausebtn = Button(window, text="Pause", command=lambda: pauseFile()) openbtn.pack(side=TOP, pady=2) stopbtn.pack(side=TOP, pady=4) playbtn.pack(side=TOP, pady=3) pausebtn.pack(side=TOP, pady=5) heading.pack() window.mainloop()
However on the same computer if I run this code
import datetime import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog from tkVideoPlayer import TkinterVideo def update_duration(event): """ updates the duration after finding the duration """ end_time["text"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=vid_player.duration())) progress_slider["to"] = vid_player.duration() def update_scale(event): """ updates the scale value """ progress_slider.set(vid_player.current_duration()) def load_video(): """ loads the video """ file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename() if file_path: vid_player.load(file_path) progress_slider.config(to=0, from_=0) progress_slider.set(0) play_pause_btn["text"] = "Play" def seek(value): """ used to seek a specific timeframe """ vid_player.seek(int(value)) def skip(value: int): """ skip seconds """ vid_player.skip_sec(value) progress_slider.set(progress_slider.get() + value) def play_pause(): """ pauses and plays """ if vid_player.is_paused(): vid_player.play() play_pause_btn["text"] = "Pause" else: vid_player.pause() play_pause_btn["text"] = "Play" def video_ended(event): """ handle video ended """ progress_slider.set(progress_slider["to"]) play_pause_btn["text"] = "Play" root = tk.Tk() root.title("Video Player") root.geometry("700x600") load_btn = tk.Button(root, text="Load", command=load_video) load_btn.pack() vid_player = TkinterVideo(scaled=True, pre_load=False, master=root) vid_player.pack(expand=True, fill="both") play_pause_btn = tk.Button(root, text="Play", command=play_pause) play_pause_btn.pack() skip_plus_5sec = tk.Button(root, text="Skip -5 sec", command=lambda: skip(-5)) skip_plus_5sec.pack(side="left") start_time = tk.Label(root, text=str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=0))) start_time.pack(side="left") progress_slider = tk.Scale(root, from_=0, to=0, orient="horizontal", command=seek) progress_slider.pack(side="left", fill="x", expand=True) end_time = tk.Label(root, text=str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=0))) end_time.pack(side="left") vid_player.bind("<<Duration>>", update_duration) vid_player.bind("<<SecondChanged>>", update_scale) vid_player.bind("<<Ended>>", video_ended) skip_plus_5sec = tk.Button(root, text="Skip +5 sec", command=lambda: skip(5)) skip_plus_5sec.pack(side="left") root.mainloop()
It works and does not give an error. But I am using the same code line. Can anyone explain that?
But I am using the same code line.
No, you’re not. The working version spells tkVideoPlayer
in camelCase (and indeed, according to the package’s docs that’s the correct casing):
from tkVideoPlayer import TkinterVideo
and the version that doesn’t work spells it in all lowercase.
from tkvideoplayer import TkinterVideo
You’ll have to be careful about character case; in general programming languages and environments aren’t forgiving about that.