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Tag: python

how to post xml in python

i am trying to post string as xml, here is the code: response from server: i also tried code like this: response from server: Answer HTTP 415 is Unsupported Media Type – this suggest your request is missing or has incorrect Content-Type header. Try:

Convert dictionary with coordinates and values to 2D array

Assume the next dictionary is given: In the dictionary above each key displays a point in the matrix (x, y) and a value displays the value found in the matrix. How could I construct an array that will contain the values located at each point x, y? According to the dictionary above the expected result is: Answer You could use

Calling an External API That Fails Randomly

I am using Django server to call a Korean government’s weather API to retrieve weather data for around 1800 locations. However, this weather API results in time out most of the time. I tried giving resting periods. For example, for every request, it will sleep for 0.8 seconds and after every 30 requests, it will sleep for 30 seconds. But

How subplot pairs of photo from different folder

I have 2 folder each has 13 pics. I wanna plot any pair of them. for example the first pic from the first folder next to the first pic in the second folder. and then below it the second pair of photose from the first and second folder. could you please help me. I tried my self but id doesn’t

How do you make the code check which section a tracked object is in?

sorry if the title is unclear. I’m making a code in OpenCV-Python that tracks the location of my pet goldfish and outputs a keystroke depending on which quadrant of the frame she is in. I’ve already gotten the program to track my fish and output her location in coordinates, but how do I convert this into a keystroke (W, A,

Align strings over a common character

I am looking for a simple, pythonic way of doing this with the minimum calculations and loops. I have a bunch of strings, such as: What I would like to print at the screen is: (where the x are actually spaces, but I could not figure out how to show it with this editor) I am aware of string formatting

Python: get attribute from class objects stored in an array

I would like to get the attribute of every object contained in an ndarray. Consider the following code, where after vectorization the function returns an ndarray with the objects. From each of these objects in the array, I would like to get the attribute and store the attributes in a new array. The classes and functions are a dummy for

ValueError: Field ‘id’ expected a number but got ‘Die erste Meldung’. after adding an item via console

I’m trying to add an item into db.sqlite3 via command line but got this error: Inside below the field id of contentobject Meldung is declared as auto_created=True, but it seems it’s not working as expected. How can I solve it? expected result Field ‘id’ is generated automated by db.sqlite3 environment Python 3.8.2 Django 3.1.3 Answer The first
