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Tag: python

how to suppress console output from QWebEngineView errors?

I get the following error if I create a QWebEngineView instance from Python instances in different working directories: It seems this is a known issue and will be fixed in QT6: But in the meantime, how can I suppress this message? I tried changing QtCore.qInstallMessageHandler and also = lambda self, level, msg, line, sourceID: None, neither affected this

regex or does not work – I do not know what is wrong in my pattern

I have the following strings: I want to have it separated: I want all numbers, exact matches for (na, nan, none)-upper and lower cases and “” in first group like: This would be wrong: I want How do I write a regex which checks exact matches like ‘none’ – not case sensitive (should recognize also ‘None’,’nOne’ etc.)? Answer What

So my Jinga code is not outputing an option

This is a cs50 pset if you didn’t know. Here is the You can consider that stocks is an array and its not empty The Output is just the first placeholder option and nothing more Answer When you call render_template(), you can pass Python variables to it which makes them available in your Jinja template. Change return render_template(“sell.html”) to

Trying to pass user input in usecols Pandas

I’m trying to ask the user which columns do they want read in the dataframe from a csv file. I’ve been trying the following: But even this gives an error. Any suggestions? I think so I’m not able to understand the lambda function. The error I’m getting is: pandas.errors.EmptyDataError: No columns to parse from file Answer You can pass the

Google Colab TPU Version

How do I print in Google Colab which TPU version I am using and how much memory the TPUs have? With I get the following Output Output I want something like [IN] print(‘tpu.version:’, tpu.version) [OUT] tpu.version: Cloud TPU v3. I hope someone can help me. Looking forward to an answer! Answer This answer should have what you’re looking for. Output

how to update python in raspberry pi

I need python newest version in raspberry pi. I tried apt install python3 3.8 apt install python3 but this didnot work. And I also needed to update my raspberry pi python IDLE Answer First update the Raspbian. Then install the prerequisites that will make any further installation of Python and/or packages much smoother. And then install Python, maybe by downloading

Python, User picks a word and computer guesses it

First off I am a noob to python (if you couldn’t tell) and a noob to StackOverflow. I’ve seen similar programs but I can’t find ones that quite give me much help. In short, the assignment I’m doing is to create a program that takes a word from the user and proceeds to guess random letters. Currently, my new_letter function

Polynomial fitting with equal number of data points and coefficients

I am currently experimenting with polynomial fitting using jupyter. The function below returns the least-square polynomial of degree m given the data points in xs with corresponding ys. Suppose I have the following six data points and fit a polynomial of degree 5: From my understanding, the resulting curve should pass through every single data point exactly (in fact, the
