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Tag: filter

Python filter from Excel

I am working on to create a python automation program for Excel. I wanted to divide the longitude based on the median number. What I want to get data is : Below is my code: Below is the output from this code. output above the output is show all longitude in United States. However, I want to filter only 1.

How to retrieve partial matches from a list of strings

For approaches to retrieving partial matches in a numeric list, go to: How to return a subset of a list that matches a condition? Python: Find in list But if you’re looking for how to retrieve partial matches for a list of strings, you’ll find the best approaches concisely explained in the answer below. SO: Python list lookup with partial

Pinch/bulge distortion using Python OpenCV

I want to apply a pinch/bulge filter on an image using Python OpenCV. The result should be some kind of this example: I’ve read the following stackoverflow post that should be the correct formula for the filter: Formulas for Barrel/Pincushion distortion But I’m struggling to implement this in Python OpenCV. I’ve read about maps to apply filter on an

Empty dataframe when filtering

I have a dataframe that looks like this: Now I’d like to filter like this: However, I am getting an empty dataframe. What am I doing wrong here? Answer Try df1.loc[df1[‘PZAE’]==”‘HAE'”] Details : the column ‘PZAE’ contains str starting and finishing by ‘ that’s why you have to include them in the condition

Using filter and lambda in a list of lists

I working with a list of lists. Each of those lists are the same — they contain title, url and some additional statistics (always in the same order). I would like to create a function find_title, which takes the wanted title and returns the whole list (with title, url and statistics). That’s my attempt However it doesn’t work, it returns

odoo domain filter many2many?

i’am added a car field in product template which related to the car model that contains all cars, also i’am work in multi compny, and i’am also added a many2many relation with car model, all i need is to filter the cars in product template and display all cars that i have been assign in the company this is my
