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Why round off of 0.500000 in python differs from 45.500000 using ‘%.0f’?

Recently, I learned art of string formatting in Python 2.7. I decided to play with floating point numbers. Came across an awkward looking solution, as written below. BUT Please help me understand, why this behavior is shown by %f. Answer The internal implementation for the %.0f string format uses a round-half-even rounding mode. In Python 2, the round() function uses

Get the value of a checkbox in Flask

I want to get the value of a checkbox in Flask. I’ve read a similar post and tried to use the output of request.form.getlist(‘match’) and since it’s a list I use [0], but it seems I’m doing something wrong. Is this the correct way to get the output or is there a better way? Answer You don’t need to use

Plotting a NACA 4-series airfoil

I’m trying to plot an airfoil from the formula as described on this wikipedia page. This Jupyter notebook can be viewed on this github page. The result looks like . I expected it to look more like . Questions: Why is the line not completely smooth? There seems to be a discontinuity where the beginning and end meet. Why does

Python in-memory cache with time to live

I have multiple threads running the same process that need to be able to to notify each other that something should not be worked on for the next n seconds its not the end of the world if they do however. My aim is to be able to pass a string and a TTL to the cache and be able

Separating development and production parts of django project

I’m building a site that relies on the output of a machine learning algorithm. All that is needed for the user-facing part of the site is the output of the algorithm (class labels for a set of items), which can be easily stored and retrieved from the django models. The algorithm could be run once a day, and does not

Iterating over lines in a file python

I have seen these two ways to process a file: I know that in the first case, the file will act like a list, so the for loop iterates over the file as if it were a list. What exactly happens in the second case, where we read the file and then iterate over the contents? What are the consequences

Tkinter import filedialog error

I’m trying to use tkinter with python3 to open an image, see here a piece of code : I have installed python3-tk, and I have the demo window when I write in the terminal. I tried several combinations that did not work : gives , gives I tried with _tinker , FileDialog, file_dialog, but I always have “ImportError : cannot
