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How do I solve error “dotenv installation error” on pycharm

I am trying to install dotenv package on pycharm edu,but keep getting error that reads “AttributeError: module ‘importlib._bootstrap’ has no attribute ‘SourceFileLoader’ ” I tried to solve this using the python terminal by running command “pip install –user dotenv” as root user but still got the same error command output reads as follows Command “python egg_info” failed with error

How to remove a keybind after it has done its job

I created a keybind, and want to delete it after it is activated. How do I do this? I have tried this in my code: However, this does not work, as Python displays an error message stating that deletecommand() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given, when I only gave two arguments. I also tried root.delete(‘<Key>’, testing), but this

MySQL error in Python – cannot connect to MySQL server

I have a question: My input: And this is the output: mysql.connector.errors.NotSupportedError: Authentication plugin ‘caching_sha2_password’ is not supported Answer Install the Python MySQL driver: Official document Similar Stack Overflow question Just make sure to install the correct connector based on your operating system, MySQL version and the Python version you use:

Keybind that binds to every key in tkinter

I am creating an interactive game with Python, and I am trying to make an introduction with the instruction “Press any key to continue.” I am having some difficulty with binding all the keys to a single action. I have tried binding to ‘<Any>’, but it displays an error message. As mentioned before, the ‘<Any>’ keybind results in an error

Detect whether current shell is powershell in python

What’s the recommended way to check which shell is my python program running inside? I know I can query os.environ.get(‘SHELL’) for the shell name, but what can I use to determine powershell? Answer Generally, environment variable SHELL does not tell you what shell invoked your script, it only tells you the binary path of the current user’s default shell (on

How to delete a label from tkinter after a countdown

I am trying to create a ten-second countdown that removes itself after it reaches zero. How and where do I put code to remove the label? I have experimented with label.destroy() and label.forget(), but they do not work, creating an error message, most likely because they do not exist. I was hoping for the program to delete the label after

Append only matching columns to dataframe

I have a sort of ‘master’ dataframe that I’d like to append only matching columns from another dataframe to The problem is that when I use df.append(), It also appends the unmatched columns to df. But my desired output is to drop columns D and E since they are not a part of the original dataframe? Perhaps I need to
