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How to turn the following dictionary keys to another keys?

Original keys (dict_keys with tuple as keys) are: How can I turn them to: It is also okay to just create a new dictionary with the new keys. But I do not know how to do so either way. Answer You can use dictionary comprehension to create new dict with new keys: Prints:

does class declaration statement cause memory allocation in python?

I know that in languages like c++, memory is not allocated until instantiation. Is it the same in python? I’m reading the How to think like a computer scientist course. In that course, to elaborate this snippet, a weird figure is given: This Figure is given: What I get from the figure, Is that after the execution passes through the

How to get QuerySet values separately?

How I can to get values from QuerySet separately? The result of my QuerySet now is <QuertSet[<value: 5>, <value:90>]> How I can get 5, 90 to separate variable ? Answer There are many ways you can acheive it. For example: or using values_list(): If you want the first two values of a queryset, then do this:

Extracting codes with regex (irregular regex keys)

I´m extracting the codes from a string list using coming from the title email. Which looks something like: So far what I tried is: My issue is that, I´m not able to extract the code next to the words that goes before [‘PN’, ‘P/N’, ‘PN:’, ‘P/N:’], specially if the code after starts with a letter (i.e ‘M’) or if it

Writing Arabic in Pycharm console

In PyCharm I have no problem in printing Arabic in the console, but the problem that I can’t write in Arabic. Instead it is written as weird symbols. How can I fix it? Answer It’s likely that you’re using some weird encoding, try to change your file encoding to UTF-8 or UTF-16: more info:   If that doesn’t work

Is there a way to visualise time series data in such a way that on x-axis i get ticks in year-month format in python?

I am trying to plot a data of stock close price for each day but on the x-axis, i get no labels on xtick instead of year-month format I tried to take the “Date” and “Close Price” column in a separate dataframe and then tried plotting them. I have dataframe similar to this Answer Just covert it with pandas to_datetime()

why this way of executing python isn’t working

works, and works, but gave an error Could anyone help point out why? Thank you. Answer ; can only be used to separate “simple” statements, not compound statements.

Django – User Search

I’m trying to filter ListView based on post method from search bar in my basetemplate. So making it works like: I have done this, but it wont work. Could you please tell me what I’m doing wrong? in my user app in my blog app search form in html rendered html with user names Answer override get_context_data method
