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Return the last non-zero value in a panda df

I have a dataframe The logic is if col1 is not zero, return col1. If col 1 is zero, return col2 (non-zero). If col 2 is zero, return col3. We don’t need to do anything for col4 My code looks like below but it only returns col1 I tried .any() and .all(), it doesnt work either. Also, is there anyway

Frog Jump Memoization(Python)

Below is the problem description, followed by its recursive solution using Python. This solution is inefficient. I know using memoization, we can improve this solution. I have also gone through similar questions on StackOverflow but I couldn’t figure out the solution. I am fairly new to the memoization technique. If anyone could help me with the solution using memoization, that

Start and stop command to break a loop

I’m working on a webscraping code, and the process is quite long. Thus, I would like to start and stop it in a fancy way, with a button using tkinter. But I couldn’t find any solution on the web. The .after() function doesn’t seems to be a good option as I don’t want to restart my loop each time. My

Detect GPS spikes in location data

I have a Dataset from the GPS log of my Google Account, from which I’d like to remove outliers from the CSV that clearly are not meant to be there. For example, the GPS shows you are at 1,1 > 1,2 > 9,6 > 1,2 > 1,1, so a major variation in location, that a couple seconds later is back

How do you best mark node as visited in Depth First Search?

In some algorithms, like DFS, we need to mark nodes as visited. If I have a Node class, in Python we can write something like node.visited = True. However when I do that, I change the nodes which might be undesired. So what would be the best and cleanest approach here? Things I thought of: delete the attribute at the

Using input parameters for validation with marshmallow

Is it possible to pass parameters to a marshmallow schema to use for validation on load? I have the following schema: and I’m wondering whether, instead of typing “a”, “b”, “c”, I could put parameters in there? Something like except this doesn’t work because the following error comes up on import Any other ideas? Answer No, marshmallow Schema doesn’t do

Sweeping a parameter for an ODE function python

This isn’t an ODE question, per see. It’s more of a referencing issue, I think (but I might be wrong). I’ve copied the code below. I can’t seem to sweep parameters for an ODE function that I would like to run. Any advice/insight on how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much in advance! CONTEXTUAL

N-Queens II using backtracking is slow

The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n x n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other. Given an integer n, return the number of distinct solutions to the n-queens puzzle. My solution: It fails at n=8. I can’t figure out why, and how to have less iterations. It seems I am
