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Category: Questions

Detect multi-digit numbers seperated by spaces in a string

I’m trying to write a function that returns the largest and smallest number in a string. However, not all numbers in the string are 1 digit numbers – some are 2 or 3 digits long. Examples: This exercice originates from Answer It’s really easy to do with a list comprehension and int conversion

Dashes with(out) spaces with python’s regex

What I’ve managed to do I’m new to both python and regex. With python’s re.compile, in massive number of text files, I wanted to find all kinds of dashes surrounded by spaces. I used: (Yeah, I know about the regex module on PyPI, but I’m trying to use what I know better) It seems to have worked fine: I got

Import onnx models to tensorflow2.x?

I created a modified lenet model using tensorflow that looks like this: When I finish training I save the model using tf.keras.models.save_model : Then I transform this model into onnx format using “tf2onnx” module: I want a method that can retrieve the same model into tensorflow2.x. I tried to use “onnx_tf” to transform the onnx model into tensorflow .pb model:

scraping multiple tags at once

I’m trying to scrape the imdb top 250 movies and I want to get all the links of those movies from this page I tried but I’m only getting the first link only, so my question is how to scale this code to include the whole list of 250 movies? Answer bs.find(‘td’,{‘class’:’titleColumn’}) gives you the first entry, and find_all(‘a’)
